Should You Increase Your Homeowners Insurance Coverage When Home Values Go Up?
A common question among policyholders of NJ homeowners insurance is whether you should increase your policy coverage when home values go up. It’s a great question to ponder and one even more important to discuss with your advisor. An experienced Bergen County insurance agent will sit down with you to discuss your options.
When a home increases significantly in value, you want to make sure it is covered for the full amount in the event of the unforeseen. In addition, new purchases like expensive artwork or furniture should be inventoried with your homeowner’s insurance company. However, not every increase in value requires additional insurance. When the home values are increasing for typical market reasons, like supply and demand, increased NJ homeowners insurance coverage is most likely not necessary.
Do You Need More Insurance Coverage After A Home Remodel?
If your home’s value is tied to a major remodel it would not hurt to sit down with your NJ insurance agent. It makes sense that a major investment like an addition, new kitchen, or remodeled basement would make an impact on the price of a home. Making sure your insurance coverage can cover its’ new value is essential.
It’s Time To Review Your Homeowner’s Insurance Policy!
Home values increase over time, that is a given. Making sure your New Jersey insurance policy is an adequate amount of coverage is important. Your agent at Bogle Agency Insurance will evaluate your homeowner’s insurance policy to ensure that your home is covered. Contact our team today for peace of mind when it comes to NJ homeowners insurance.
Our team, based in Lyndhurst New Jersey, is well-versed in all insurance products. Let us help you evaluate your auto, business, homeowners, and umbrella policies. Our goal is to make sure that you understand what you have and what you need. Call (201) 939-1076 today and set an appointment to evaluate your NJ insurance policies.