Proper Drain Care for Your Home

Having a blocked sewer line is an unpleasant experience that is very disruptive to your daily life; it can also be costly to fix.  New Jersey homeowners insurance may compensate you for the cost of drain repairs in some circumstances, but the best way to avoid a blocked sewer is to be careful about what you put down the drain.

A simple way of preventing insoluble materials from getting into your drains is to fit strainers over drains in your kitchen, bathroom and laundry room to catch food, hair, and other debris that could clog a drain.

Hardware stores sell chemicals that can be used to clear drains, but with a little care you can avoid such measures. For a more gentle approach:

  • Pour hot water down your drains regularly. Running hot water down the drains helps to melt oil or grease that could clog drains.
  • Use lemon juice to neutralize odors. Lemon juice helps to neutralize any bad smells, but remember to use only juice; slices of lemon will clog the drain.
  • Help your drains flow more freely. Use a sink plunger to loosen debris that may be collecting in the drain. Mild clogs might be cleared by putting a few tablespoons of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) down the drain followed by a cupful of white vinegar; the soda and vinegar react together to disperse particles clogging the drain.

A little gentle treatment has got to be better than using harsh caustic substances to clear your drains. Even better, prevent unwanted waste from getting into your drain and avoid the disruption of major sewer blockages and the drama of related New Jersey homeowners insurance claims.
