Reducing Stress in Three Easy Steps

Stress itself does not kill, but the effects of living an overly stressful life could contribute to a premature demise. While the life insurance NJ residents might have could benefit their families financially after such an event, we’re sure most families would prefer not to have to make such a claim. If you suffer from stress, why not take steps to reduce the amount of stress felt each day? Here are three common causes of stress and tips for dealing with them.

  • One common reason for stress can be procrastination. Many people put off tasks until tomorrow that they could have completed today. By creating a schedule and sticking to it, you may be able to manage your time better.
  • While you cannot ignore your responsibilities, it is important to make time for yourself. Relaxing is essential in helping to keep stress levels low. Find an activity you enjoy and fit it into your schedule a few times a week.
  • You may be surprised at the number of individuals who claim their number one stress is finding time for their family. With the busy lives many of us lead today, family can often be put on the back burner. While reaching your career and other goals is important, you may find yourself able to unwind more easily when you schedule family time. Why not just turn the cell phone off for an hour and focus on your family?

Reducing the amount of stress in your life could have a multitude of benefits, physically and mentally. While your chances of some health issues may decrease, it is still important to be prepared for the unexpected. Life insurance NJ could provide much needed support for your family should you die prematurely.*

The High Cost of DUIs

Are you disappointed in your recent New Jersey auto insurance quote? Sometimes people fail to realize how extensive the effects of their poor driving history can be. One of the worst things you could have on your record is a DUI, but high insurance rates may be the least of your worries if you drive after drinking.

When you drive drunk, you are always at risk of being pulled over by a police officer. Should this happen you could face hefty fines, tickets, jail time and license suspension, even if it is your first offense. Consider this – it could cost you hundreds of dollars by the time the court case is over, but how much would you pay for a cab ride home?

More importantly, DUIs lead to thousands of deaths and injuries every year. You may feel like it is your life, so you have the right to risk it by driving under the influence of alcohol but what about the drivers and pedestrians around you? Often times it can be the drunk driver who walks away and the other people involved in the wreck that are killed.

Have you been convicted of a DUI in the past three years? You may have to settle for paying a little more for auto insurance for now. By making smart decisions behind the wheel however, your next New Jersey auto insurance quote may be a little more to your liking.*

Why You Need Life Insurance in NJ

One of the most compelling reasons to purchase life insurance in NJ immediately is because no one can pinpoint exactly when their demise will occur. Just as mysterious may be the reason behind an individual’s passing. However, according to a chart created by the National Security Council, the following causes of death are quite rare:

  • In 2008, the average person’s odds of dying by legal execution were 1 in 111,779, but this may become more uncommon every year, as laws are changed to ban the death penalty.
  • With a 1 in 134,906 chance of a person being fatally struck by lightning, it is a rare occurrence, but it has been known to happen.
  • Dog bites may be commonplace nowadays, but ones so severe they kill the victim are atypical. There is only a 1 in 144,899 statistical probability that you will die from a canine attack.
  • Did you know that a flood is one of the few natural disasters which could occur anywhere in the country? Considering this fact, it is surprising that the odds of dying during a flood are not greater than 1 in 558,896.
  • The rarest cause of death featured on the chart is death from fireworks discharge. Calculated to be only 1 in 652,046, this may surprise many, considering that gatherings featuring fireworks often include alcohol.

Do not allow these statistics to fool you – you have a 1 in 1 chance of dying, there is no denying that. While the day and cause may be unknown, preparing for an unexpectedly early demise by purchasing life insurance in NJ could be an essential safeguard for your family’s financial survival.


Enjoying Your Life with Life Insurance in NJ

Death comes for everyone; there is no denying that. This is why everyone should have some amount of life insurance in place. The key to getting the most out of your investment in life insurance in NJ may be living as long as possible. Here are some basic common sense tips which could help you avoid potentially fatal circumstances:

  • You should always look both ways before you cross the street.
  • Make sure you wear the appropriate protective gear for the activities you take part in.
  • Never, ever drive or ride in a motor vehicle without wearing a seat belt.
  • Do your best to avoid potentially dangerous activities.
  • Avoid distractions, such as cell phones and blaring music, while behind the wheel.
  • Schedule annual checkups with your doctor to ensure you have the appropriate screening tests done.
  • Under no circumstances should you drink and drive.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and make time to exercise.

Of course, walking a safe path does not guarantee you a long and healthy life. Serious illness, car accidents, plane crashes, poisoning – there are plenty of things that could cut you down in the prime of life. With this possibility in mind, you should ensure you have adequate life insurance in NJ to help ensure that your family could cope financially if such an event was to occur.


Look for a New Jersey Auto Insurance Quote!

Financial advisers always recommend shopping around and comparing quotes before making an important buying decision. Before purchasing insurance, a prudent motorist asks his or her agent to seek a New Jersey auto insurance quote from a variety of competing carriers and identify the policy that provides best value.

In the wake of a severe weather incident like a hurricane or tropical storm, home owners need to take particular care when they assess quotes for emergency home repairs, to avoid being targeted by unscrupulous storm-chasers offering to undertake emergency building repairs. Some of the scams involve building contractors who seize on an emergency as an opportunity to charge excessive prices, while other frauds involve people who ask for upfront payments from homeowners then disappear without doing the repair work they have promised.

It’s essential to be alert to the potential for this fraudulent activity when seeking quotes for emergency repairs to your home. Be wary of contractors who approach you directly. Always obtain written quotes from at least three contractors and don’t accept the first bid you receive without carefully evaluating all the bids. Take time to check out a contractor before committing to a contract: a legitimate contractor should hold the proper license, carry property, liability and workers’ compensation insurance, and be willing to provide contact details of previous clients as a reference.

We know that when evaluating a quote for emergency home repairs you may be under much more pressure than when assessing a New Jersey auto insurance quote. Remember to keep your head, take your time and assess quotes carefully, so that you make an informed decision about which bid to accept.


How Does Owning A Dog Affect Your NJ Liability Insurance?

Are you considering adopting a puppy? As much as owning a dog may mean to your family, you should definitely consider the potential costs related to adding a pooch to your home, especially when it comes to your NJ liability insurance policy. Although many people adopt dogs to deter criminals, that same animal could lead to quite a burden.

Despite the fact that a burglar broke into your house to steal your possessions, should your dog defend the property by biting the individual, you could find yourself on the wrong end of a personal injury lawsuit. Home owners owe it to all visitors, invited or otherwise, to provide a safe environment. As the owner of the animal, you could be held liable for the injuries it causes. According to New Jersey law however, you may be able to avoid paying for the medical bills related to the dog bite if you are able to prove the trespasser had criminal intent, for example, if you discovered the person inside your home putting your prized DVD collection into a bag.

In addition, before you take on the title of dog owner, you should discuss the matter with your NJ liability insurance agent. Some insurers only cover incidents involving certain breeds while others may not pay for dog-related injuries at all. There is a lot to consider before adopting a canine. By making an appropriate choice of breed, training your pet and having appropriate insurance, you could help ensure your pup remains a beloved part of the family and not a burden.


Limiting NJ Liability Insurance Claims During Block Parties

Block parties might be a great way to advertise your business and attract new customers during the summer. They also take a lot of money and planning. Unfortunately, there is a chance that all your hard work could be wasted should an illness or injury occur at your event. Before hosting such a large gathering, ensure your NJ liability insurance policy could cover the expenses related to accidents at block parties.  The following tips might be useful to keep in mind.

  • Avoid stretching extension cords across pedestrian walkways.
  • Provide weatherproof cover and protection for electrical equipment and generators in case of unexpected rain. Take all other necessary measures to prevent accidental electrocution.
  • When serving food, make sure it is properly prepared and kept at the correct temperature.
  • Assign certain staff to help control crowds, especially if you plan to give out freebies.
  • Bouncy houses and other children’s amusement items should always be set up according to the manufacturer’s directions to reduce risk of injury; children should be well supervised.

To make your block party an even bigger success, consider joining up with other local businesses. With a bigger budget, you may be able to afford more attractions and advertisements. Whether you collaborate with nearby establishments or decide to go it alone, ensure you have the appropriate NJ liability insurance in place.


Decreasing Your Business’ Potential Liability with NJ Liability Insurance

No business should do without NJ liability insurance. Why is this? Liability claims have the potential of bankrupting your business, a risk that increases should a lawsuit be filed. What steps could you take to limit your exposure?

  • Keep all aisles free of clutter. Make sure all walkways are wide enough for visitors to get through with ease.
  • Do not allow customers in warehouses or stockrooms. Clearly label restricted areas.
  • Keep the exterior of your business in good repair. Fix chipped stairs or cracked walkways immediately.
  • Thoroughly test all products before releasing them to the general public. Make sure all instruction manuals are detailed and include warnings against misuse.
  • Clean spills and other messes on the premises as soon as you are made aware of them.
  • Never give professional advice off the record. Depending on your industry, having signed contracts from all clients is a must.
  • Avoid having frenzy sales, like those that are common on Black Friday.

Are you lacking a proper NJ liability insurance policy? Do not delay in purchasing this essential coverage. One of our agents would be happy to assist you in the process. Contact our agency today to get started.


Four Liability Hazards All Business Owners Should Address

Liability claims could be very damaging to your business. Your NJ liability insurance may pay for the expenses related to covered incidents, but you should be proactive in reducing your exposure. Take a hard look around the premises for areas that could be dangerous to visitors, especially the four common hazards below.

To help prevent fire, store all combustible substances properly and forbid smoking on the premises. You should also clear any debris or dead inventory that could help spread the fire. Have an evacuation plan in place and run drills at least twice a year.

Falling hazards could cause serious injury or death. Do not stack items to the point of the columns being wobbly. Make sure shelving could handle the weight of your inventory before use. Check that all signage, lighting, and security equipment are properly secured. 

Slip-and-falls may be the most common hazard faced by businesses. Some surfaces are slicker than others and spills may only worsen the danger. Use rubber mats in problem areas to ensure guests have a firm footing.

Electrocution could be deadly. Assess the safety of your equipment before each use. Be certain not to have outlets overloaded with too many plugs. Only trained personnel should be allowed near electrical hazards.

By seeking out potential causes of accidents, you may be able to limit the risk faced by your business. No matter how many precautions you take, you may not be able to eliminate every hazard. Purchase a NJ liability insurance policy to aid you in paying for the incidents you were unable to prevent.


Why is General Liability Coverage Essential for NJ Homeowners?

Accidents could occur anywhere, but if one happened in your home and resulted in a lawsuit or extensive medical bills, could you handle the financial strain involved? NJ liability insurance is a smart option to prevent your family from shouldering the burden of expenses related to third-person injuries.

A simple visit to a hospital’s emergency room could cost hundreds of dollars. Medical and prescription costs could be staggering, even for relatively minor injuries. When an injury occurs on your property, you may be responsible for paying for the victim’s care.

Unfortunately, one of the realities of personal injury is the chance of litigious action. Defending a suit in an injury-related case could be an overwhelming financial burden. This is one of the greatest benefits of having liability coverage – having help paying for the necessary legal support.

You should do all you can to reduce risks of injury around your home. Keep an eye out for tripping hazards, such as draped electrical wires and unsecured rugs. Add baby gates at the top and bottom of the stairs, as well as at the entrance to the kitchen if you have toddlers visiting your home. Warn guests of any pets in the home upon arrival and lock up any particularly rambunctious animals while visitors are in the home.

It is well worth your time to prevent injuries at your home. In the event of an accident, NJ Liability insurance could serve as an aid to help you bounce back quickly after a claim.
